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Kendrick Premier Heaters

Kendrick Premier Brand heaters are, by far, the best dew heaters made in the world and are famous for their durability and outstanding performance. We use the highest quality components available and they are covered by our outstanding 2 year warranty. Exceptional performance means they can produce considerably more heat when needed. More than any other brand heater on the market. You don't always need the extra heat, but there are going to be times when you are glad to have it. Losing an observing session or hours of imaging due to ineffective or faulty dew heaters is something no amateur astronomer wants to encounter.

The Premier Heater line is our flagship brand. All major components used in our heaters are proudly made in America or Canada. Our finished heaters and dew controllers are all assembled here in Canada by us in our shop, as are all Kendrick products. We test 100% of our heaters for functionality before shipping. This ensures the highest quality control for everything we make, and this is something we take quite seriously. Our heating elements are custom built to our electrical specifications and they are made of the highest quality materials. These are not off-the-shelf heaters! We use the best quality Velcro, elastic, and connectors available. The heater cables are cold flexible down to temperatures of -40C and the cable is custom made for Kendrick. It is not available anywhere else. All our competitors use cable that gets stiff and brittle in cold environments, which can cause significant cold weather setup issues, cable management and with mount tracking. As well, our cables are engineered to be the proper guage for the wattage they require and are not simply repurposed RCA audio cables, which is what our competitors heaters use. The competitors’ repurposed RCA audio cables were not designed to handle the electrical current requirements o dew heaters, causing them to burn out or break over time.

Our Premier Heaters are designed to be used with cameras and camera lenses, telescopes optics of all kinds, binoculars, and temperature sensitive electronics. They are designed to keep electronic devices functioning and optics moisture free in a full range of temperatures and operating environments, from high humidity to sub-zero temperatures.

Combined with a Kendrick Dew Controller, our heaters have been designed to use only as much power as necessary and thereby not waste energy. Precision controls offers an unparalleled range of operation.

Our Premier Heaters require the purchase of one of our Dew Controllers which can found at this link. Our systems are all 12 VDC with the exception of our #2021-A Digi_Klear Pad Heater which runs on 120 VAC.

Bino-viewer Heater Elements
2005-B1 1.25" Bino-viewer Heaters for eyepieces up to 1.5 inch barrel diameter. CAN $188.00
2006-B1 2" Bino-viewer Heaters for eyepieces over 1.5 inch barrel diameter. CAN $198.00
Red Dot Finder Heater
Optical Tube, Control Pad and Computer Heater Elements
2003 Heater for Telrad CAN $50.00
2022 Heater for the Rigel reflex finder CAN $50.00
2004 Heater for .965 inch eyepieces and finder scope eyepieces CAN $76.00
2005 Heater for 1.25 inch eyepieces CAN $79.00
2006 2 inch Heater for 2 inch eyepieces, 50mm finders, some camera lenses CAN $86.00
2006-C Heater for large-body eyepieces, medium sized camera lenses, and small refractors. Ideal for tube diameters 2.5” to 3.5” CAN $89.00
2006-L DEW-Minator Eyepiece Heater for large bodied "TALL" eyepieces CAN $110.00
2007 3 inch Heater for tubes with a 3.5 inch to 5 inch OD CAN $89.00
2008 4 inch Heater for tubes with a 5 inch to 5.5 inch OD CAN $98.00
2009 5 inch Heater for tubes with a 5.5 inch to 6.5 inch OD CAN $102.00
2010 6 inch Heater for tubes with a 6.5 inch to 8 inch OD CAN $107.00
2011 7 inch/8 inch Heater for Meade 7 inch Mak-cass, Meade 8 inch, C8 CAN $113.00
2012 9 inch/10 inch Heater for Meade 10 inch SCT and Celestron C9.25 CAN $134.00
2013 11 inch Heater for C11 CAN $145.00
2014 12 inch Heater for Meade 12 inch SCT CAN $159.00
2015 14 inch/16 inch Heater for C14 and Meade 16 inch SCT CAN $182.00
2019 GoTo Control Pad Heater for Celestron, Orion, Meade, Skywatcher and other GoTo hand control paddles CAN $79.00
2020 Box Heater for eyepiece, accessory boxes. Can be used as chair warmer CAN $67.00
2021 Computer Heater for Laptop Computers CAN $251.00
Wrap-around Secondary Mirror Heater
2028-NXT-3 Wrap-around Large Universal Fit Secondary Mirror Heater CAN $144.00
2028-NXT-2 Wrap-around Medium Universal Fit Secondary Mirror Heater CAN $123.00
2028-NXT-1 Wrap-around Small Universal Fit Secondary Mirror Heater CAN $95.00
S2, S3, S4 Secondary Mirror Heater Elements
2016 Heater for Newtonian secondary mirror heaters 1.83 inch to 3 inch MA CAN $106.00
2018 Heater for Newtonian secondary mirror heaters 4.00 inch and up CAN $130.00
Split Secondary Mirror Heater

Attaching Heaters
Generally, our heaters wrap around your optics, label side out and are held in place by elastic/Velcro attachments. The heaters for Newtonian/Dobsonian Secondary Mirrors, depending on which model you purchase, are either placed on the backside of the secondary and can be held in place by using the polyester batting found inside the secondary mirror holder (heaters #2016, 2017, 2018, DG-1, DG-2, DG-3) or will wrap around the secondary mirror stalk (heaters #2028 & 2028-S). Newtonian Primary Mirror Heaters sit behind the primary mirror in contact with the back side of the mirror. Your mirror holder must allow for removal of your primary mirror to accomodate a primary mirror heater.

Eyepiece Heaters
Customers regularly ask if eyepiece heaters are necessary. They are just as much a necessity as the heater for the main lens or mirror in your telescope. In cool environments, moisture from your eye condenses on the eyepiece glass and without heat, is very difficult or impossible to remove.

We manufacture five(5) sizes of eyepiece heaters:

  • #2004 - for eyepieces on finderscopes.
  • #2005 - for 1.25" eyepieces and that do not have a huge body (For example: Plossls, Vixen Lanthanum and similarly sized eyepieces).
  • #2006 - for larger bodied (but not massive) 1.25" and 2" eyepieces (For example: Baader Hyperion and Orion Stratus eyepieces).
  • #2006-C - for large-body eyepieces, medium sized camera lenses, and small refractors. Ideal for tube diameters 2.5” to 3.5”.
  • #2006-L - for large body 1.25" and 2" eyepieces (For example: Televue's Naglers, Ethos and Delos, Celestron's Lumina eyepieces, Explore Scientific's eyepieces, etc).

DEW-Minator Large Eyepiece Heater DEW-Minator Large Eyepiece Heater!

This heater has been designed specifically for the ever increasing line of large format eyepieces available to the amatuer astronomer. The heater is the same length as our 2006 2" heater but it is extra wide to give extra coverage to those really tall eyepieces. It provides plenty of power for those cold or really humid nights yet can be adjusted (via a Kendrick controller) for very mild, low power operation if your conditions call for it.

Like all our heaters, it has a sewn in, heavy duty elastic strap to allow you to securely fit it to any of your large bodied eyepieces.

Heater Specifications
Below, we provide a breakdown of the wattage and amperage of most of the Premier Heaters we make. This will aid in choosing the correct controller for your system as your controller must be able to handle the amperage requirements of your heaters, no matter what controller setting you use. For example, if you set your controller to operate at 30%, the heaters will draw their full amperage 30% of the time. The other 70% of the time they will be off.

Beware that sizes shown below are for the HEATING ELEMENT ONLY. Our "strap" heaters are inside a fabric sleeve that will increase total dimension by approx. 15mm (0.6") in width and 40mm (1.6") in length.

NOTE: Our competitors often quote what they consider the high power requirements of our Premier Heaters. It is important to note that the ratings quoted below are true if your controller is set to operate at a 100% setting. To clarify, if you set your controller to operate at 30%, the heaters will draw their full amperage, but only 30% of the time. The other 70% of the time they will be off. Also, these heaters are intentionally designed to generate more heat than our competitors heaters as they are designed to perform under ALL conditions.

Item No.HeaterWattageAmperageHeater Dimensions
Heater Dimensions
2003Telrad Heater60.450 x 90 mm2" x 3.5"
2003-RDFRed Dot Finder Heater2.50.2Press fitPress fit
2004.965" Eyepiece Heater2.50.216 x 75 mm1/2" x 3"
20051.25" Eyepiece Heater30.216 x 125 mm1/2" x 5"
20062" Eyepiece Heater40.316 x 175 mm1/2" x 7"
2006-CLarge-Body, extra long Eyepiece Heater100.825 x 229 mm1" x 9"
2006-LDEW-Minator Large Eyepiece Heater100.875 x 229 mm3" x 8"
20073" Optic Heater100.825 x 280 mm1" x 11"
20084" Optic Heater110.925 x 370 mm1" x 14.5"
20095" Optic Heater151.225 x 460 mm1" x 18"
20106" Optic Heater17.51.425 x 560 mm1" x 22"
20117/8" Optic Heater201.625 x 660 mm1" x 26"
20129/10" Optic Heater25225 x 890 mm1" x 35"
201311" Optic Heater282.325 x 965 mm1" x 38"
201412" Optic Heater332.625 x 1115 mm1" x 44"
201514/16" Optic Heater524.125 x 1270 mm1" x 50"
2005-B1Bino-viewer Heaters for eyepieces up to 1.5 inch barrel diameter.50.416 x 125 mm1/2" x 5"
2006-B1Bino-viewer Heaters for eyepieces over 1.5 inch barrel diameter.8.616 x 175 mm1/2" x 7"
2016Secondary Mirror heater for Newtonian secondary mirror 1.83" to 2.14"2.50.244 x 66 mm ellipse1.75" x 2.6" ellipse
2017Secondary Mirror heater for Newtonian secondary mirror 2.5" to 3.40"40.350 x 90 mm2.5" x 3.625"ellipse
2018Secondary Mirror heater for Newtonian secondary mirror 4.00" and up90.750 x 90 mm3.75"x5.50"ellipse
2019Electronic Hand Control Pad Heater10.857mm x 165mm2.25" x 6.5"
2020Eyepiece Box Heater100.857mm x 165mm2.25" x 6.5"
2021Computer Heater for Laptop Computers252.0280mm x 216mm X 1.35mm11.06" x 8.5" X 0.053"
2022Rigel Quik Finder Heater2.50.216 x 75 mm.5" x 3"


Heater Extensions

We make cold flexible heater extensions for our heaters. The standard power cord length for our heaters is 4 ft but if you require longer lengths for your heaters, consider the purchase of one of these extensions. They are available in 2ft, 4ft, 8ft and 10 ft lengths.

We offer these heater extension cables as sometimes the standard 4' power lead length is not enough for your application. If you require longer extensions than what is offered below, please contact us.

These extensions are cold flexible down to -40 C.

2000-EXT2 2 foot (600mm) Heater extension CAN $34.00
2000-EXT2-5 2.5 foot (750mm) Heater extension CAN $36.00
2000-EXT4 4 foot (1200mm) Heater extension CAN $43.00
2000-EXT8 8 foot (2400mm) Heater extension CAN $61.00
2000-EXT10 10 foot (3000mm) Heater extension CAN $65.00
2000-EXT12 12 foot (3660mm) Heater extension CAN $74.00


Fitting Dimensions

The table below will help you to determine which heater is the right one for you scope.

.965"for .965" eyepieces and finder scope eyepieces
1.25"for 1.25" eyepieces
2"For 2" eyepieces, 50 mm finder scope objectives, smaller camera lenses. Can also be used on 1.25" oculars but a bit big. To use on 1.25" oculars just slip heater off 2" eyepiece and hang over 1.25" eyepiece.
3"will fit 3.5" to 5" OD (90mm to 130mm OD)
4"will fit 5" to 5.5" OD (130mm to 145mm OD)
5"will fit 5.5" to 6.5" OD (140mm to 165mm OD)
6"will fit 6.5" to 8" OD (165mm to 200mm OD)
7/8"For Meade 7" refractor, 7" Maksutov-Cassegrain, 8" SCT, Celestron C8, Astro Physics 7" Refractor. Will fit 8" to 9.5" OD (200mm to 250mm OD)
9/10"For Celestron C9.25, Meade 10". Will fit 10" to 12.5" OD (250mm to 310mm OD)
11"For Celestron C11. Will fit 12.5" to 13.5" OD (310mm to 340mm)
12"For Meade 12 SCT. Will fit 13.5" to 15.5" OD (340mm to 400mm OD)
14/16"For Celestron C14 & Meade 16" SCT. Will fit 15.5" to 18" OD (400mm to 460mm OD)
Laptop computer heaterFor all lap top computers, can also be used on for desktop CPUs that are exposed to cold temperatures. Also makes a great seat warmer!
GoTo Telescope Control Pad HeaterFor Meade, Celestron, Orion, SynScan & other GoTo Telescope hand held control pads. Keeps control pads working in cold winter temperatures.
Eyepiece box heaterFor eyepiece and accessory boxes. Can also be used as a seat warmer.


How To Use The System

Our Premier Heaters require the purchase of one of our controllers which can found at this link. Our systems are all 12 VDC.

We recommend that you put your heaters in place at the beginning of an observing session and turn your controller on right away. For Premier Heaters, or heaters for Newtonian or RC Telescopes, we recommend a controller setting that represents about 20 to 40%.

If moisture has already condensed on your optics, we recommend covering the optics, turning the heaters on high and waiting 20 to 30 minutes. Once the moisture has cleared, lower your controller setting and resume observing.


Power Requirements

Power Supplies

Our dew control systems require 12 volts DC. If you are using a battery to run the system, we recommend at minimum, an 18-amp hour battery. But when you have access to 120V AC Power, our AC-DC Power Supplies allow you to generate 12V (13.8V nominal) from a 120V wall plug.

We offer 2 models of AC-DC Power Supplies

  • A 12 Amp Linear Power Supply with a 5V Charging Port. For most astronomers, this is a great choice.
  • A 25 Amp Switching Power Supply with cigarette plug, Banana Plug, and Anderson Power Pole. For REALLY BIG rigs that use big dew heaters, cooled CCD Cameras, and lots of other 12V Accessories, 25 Amps is a better choice with plenty of power and room to spare.
  • We also build portable 12 volt power packs and offer other power solutions that can be used with all your astro equipment that is used in the field. See Power Packs for more information on the power systems we offer.

    #208-PS25A power supply. How much power do you need? Add up the current draw from all connected equipment and then multiply by at least 2. Generally, you want a power supply that can deliver twice as much power as you think you might need. Otherwise, an overworked PS is going to fail or even get excessively hot.

    NEW Big-Honkin 25 Amp Power Supply (110VAC or 220VAC)! Big mounts, cooled CCD Cameras, Dew Heaters use a lot of juice. 25 Amps is enough power to run just about any device you would ever need.

    208-PS12A 120vac-to-12vdc 12 Amp Linear Power Supply with 5V USB Charge Port CAN $60.00
    208-PS25A 110/120VAC to 12 vdc, 25A power supply. North American Plug CAN $378.00
    208-PS25A-EU 220/240VAC to 12 vdc, 25A power supply. EU (type "F" Plug) CAN $389.00
    208-PS25A-UK 220/240VAC to 12 vdc, 25A power supply. UK (type "G" Plug) CAN $389.00


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