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Kendrick Finder Heaters

Our Heaters require the purchase of one of our Dew Controllers in order to be functional. The heaters are not a stand-alone product.

All systems are all designed to run with 12 VDC with the exception of our #2021-A Digi_Klear Pad Heater which runs on 120 VAC.


Rigel and Telrad Heaters

Telrad and Rigel Heaters Heaters are attached to the sides of these finders as shown above and the heat is transfered laterally into the optic of the finder, keeping the dew and frost free.

Premier Heaters
2003 Heater for Telrad CAN $50.00
2022 Heater for the Rigel reflex finder CAN $50.00
FireFly Heaters


Optical Finder Heaters

Optical Finder Heaters The heater is wrapped around the optical components of these finders at either end. We highly recommend a heater at the eyepiece end of these finders as once the finder cools down, the moisture from your eye will immediately condense on the glass, making your finder unusable.

Premier Heaters
2006 2 inch Heater for 2 inch eyepieces, 50mm finders, some camera lenses CAN $86.00
2005 Heater for 1.25 inch eyepieces CAN $79.00
2004 Heater for .965 inch eyepieces and finder scope eyepieces CAN $76.00


How To Use The System

We recommend that you put your heaters in place at the beginning of an observing session and turn your controller on right away.

If moisture has already condensed on your optics, we recommend covering the optics, turning the heaters on high and waiting 20 to 30 minutes. Once the moisture has cleared, lower your controller setting and resume observing.


Power Requirements

Power Supplies Our dew control systems require 12 volts DC. If you are using a battery to run the system, we recommend a 5 amp hour battery as a minimum. If you want to run the system from a wall plug, you will need a step down converter with a minimum output of 5 amps.

Pictured to the right are our Regulated 120 volt to 12 volt DC power supplies which are excellent for operating our systems from a wall socket. We also build portable 12 volt power packs and offer other power solutions that can be used with all your astro equipment that is used in the field. See Power Packs for more information on the power systems we offer.



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Phone 416 762 7946  
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