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Kendrick Telescope Power Cables

NEW! March 14, 2016
New cord for Astro Physics GTOCP4 Control Box for Servo Drive now available!

12 Volt Power Cords
12 volt power cords for Celestron, Losmandy, Meade, Orion, Skywatcher, and Takahashi Mounts.These have a cigarette lighter plug on one end and a DC power plug on the other end.

Cords are 8' and made with heavy-duty high-flex cable.

12V for Celestron, Losmandy, Orion, Skywatcher mounts.

12V for Meade, Takahashi mounts.

12V for ** Losmandy Gemini GoTo mounts.

15, 18, 24 & 48 Volt Power Cords
These power cables plug into the our Power Packs, Imaging Power Panels and ePacks that have an inverter built into them. The inverter boosts voltage through a particular output and is intended for mounts and telescopes that run best at voltages greater than 12 volts.

We have these cables for Astro Physics, Bisque Paramount, Losmandy Gemini, Losmandy Gemini II, Meade and Takahashi mounts.

15V Power Cord for Astro Physics
GoTo mounts
15V Power Cord for Astro Physics
For New GTOCP4 and CP5 Control Box for Servo Drive
18V Power Cord for Meade LX 200 Classic
and Takahashi GoTo mounts
18V Power Cord for Losmandy
GM8/G11 Gemini mounts
18V Power Cord for Losmandy
Gemini 2 mounts
24V Power Cord for Takahashi EM-200
Temma II, EM-400, EM-500 mounts
48V Power Cord for Bisque Paramounts

** NOTE: the 2086-LG12 is a 12 volt power cord. It will power a Losmandy GM8/G11 Gemini mount but 18 volts is recommended. These are sold for those people who do not want to purchase an 18 volt inverter or a 2081-18 or 2083 18 volt battery.

2086-LC12 8 foot 12 volt Power Cord for Losmandy GM8/G11 -non-Gemini-, Celestron, Orion, Sky Watcher CAN $64.00
2086-M 8' 12 volt Power Cord for Meade scopes (except LX200 Classic) and Takahashi mounts CAN $64.00
2086-M18 8' 18 volt Power Cord for Meade LX 200 Classic and Takahashi GoTo mounts (plugs into #2081-18 & #2083-18 Power Packs) CAN $67.00
2086-LG12 8 foot 12 volt Power Cord for Losmandy GM8/G11. CAN $90.00
2086-LG18 8 foot 18 volt Power Cord for Losmandy GM8/G11 Gemini mounts (plugs into #2081-18 & #2083-18 Power Packs) CAN $103.00
2086-LG2-18 8 foot 18 volt Power Cord for Losmandy Gemini 2 mounts (plugs into #2081-18 & #2083-18 Power Packs) CAN $103.00
2086-AP Thread Locking, 8 foot, Astro Physics 15 volt Power Cord for Astro Physics GoTo mounts. (plugs into #2081-15 & #2083-15 Power Packs) CAN $90.00
2086-AP-GTOCP4 8' Power Cord for Astro Physics GTOCP4 Control Box for Servo Drive CAN $156.00
2086-24 8 foot, 24 volt Power Cord for Takahashi EM-200 Temma II, EM-400, EM-500 mounts. (plugs into #2083-24 Power Packs) CAN $90.00
2086-48 Thread Locking, 8 foot, 48 volt Power Cord for Bisque Paramounts. (plugs into #2083-48 Power Packs) CAN $90.00


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Phone 416 762 7946  
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